Building community in a changing world

December 8, 2021

“Life, doo, doot, dooo”

As it’s my last day of my youth, I’m doubling down of taking it day-by-day, enjoying the simple moments. I love me these lyrics from Des’ree’s song entitled “Life”:

I’ll take you up on a dare,
Anytime, anywhere
Name the place, I’ll be there,
Bungee jumping, I don’t care!

Life, oh life, oh life, oh life,
Doo, doot doot dooo.
Life, oh life, oh life, oh life,
Doo, doot dooo
Life, doo, doot dooo
Doo, doot dooo

So after all is said and done
I know I’m not the only one
Life indeed can be fun, if you really want to

Sometimes living out your dreams,
Ain’t as easy as it seems
You want to fly around the world,
In a beautiful balloon