Building community in a changing world

May 27, 2020

People Know Truth. Speak from Truth. Speak from Vulnerability.

I’m a big fan of the Duplass brothers – so I was excited to see that Brene Brown sat down with them for this 90-minute podcast. Jay Duplass and Mark Duplass produce TV shows and movies that can feel authentic. “Togetherness” on HBO is one of my all-time faves – it wasn’t popular when it came out & only had two seasons. It’s funny to hear them talk about that on the podcast – folks didn’t like the show because it felt too real and scared them.

Here are my notes about the podcast:

– The paradox of their own styles & personalities bleeds into their work. Their memoir – “Like Brothers” – illustrates how so much of what we crave in life comes from straddling the paradoxes inherent in love, creativity & relationships.
– When filming, they have an unorthodox style where they create an environment for the actors where something real can happen. They create a safe space where lightning can strike in ways that are unexpected and the process can be scary.
– They tension they foster is enabled by creating a space which is full of honesty, love & truth. They ask the actors to trust in it even though uncomfortable.
– Some parents use shame as a parenting tool. The oldest child then uses that example on the younger siblings and destroys trust for their lifetime. These parents allow the oldest to use shame, saying “kids will be kids.” But it does real damage that is hard to heal with time.
– Cocktail parties are challenging for nearly everyone. Much better to do an activity together, particularly ones using your hands. Like bowling.
– Everyone can feel truth. Brene gave the example of giving a talk about her book, but then announcing that there would be no book signing afterwards because it drains her and she needs that energy for when she returns to her family. She got a standing ovation for telling the truth.