Building community in a changing world

April 16, 2020

Being Vulnerable By Trying Something New

As I launch this blog, I’ve got a big case of the “FFTs,” which is a term coined by Brene Brown in her first podcast. It means “Frigging First Time.” Brene actually uses a swear word but I won’t go down that path my first week.

Being new at something is tough, opening ourselves up and being vulnerable. Brene explains by naming something, you can diminish its power over you. You normalize it. You can put it in perspective – this is not permanent. You can reality-check your expectations – this will feel lousy for a while as I won’t be good right away.

I am not an expert on self-help. I am not an expert on mindfulness. But as my own self-discovery journey in these areas continue, I figured I would share what I’m learning as I go. Simple as that.

It’s daunting because I know nothing (as Sgt. Shultz so eloquently exclaims in the old TV show “Hogan Heroes”) – and I worry that people will think I’m passing myself off as an expert. Not true. I’m a novice – and will likely remain one even if I blog about these topics for 20 years. Disclaimer complete…